Kabbalah in the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica
Christian Kabbalah - manuscripts
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Introduttione alla theoria e prattica della scienza di cabale (BPH Ms M50)
Late 17th–century manuscript on paper. This manuscript in Italian is mainly concerned with practical Kabbalah or magic, but also shows a sefirotic tree (‘Arbor divinitatis’) and lists the 32 secret paths of wisdom in the first section devoted to speculative Kabbalah.
Aesch-Mezareph. Liber Cabalistico-chymicus. Authore R: Schimeon In Sohar seu Kabbala denudata [BPH Ms M144–11]
Manuscript on paper, 1776. The manuscript reproduces the Aesch Mezareph passages, with page references, from the first part of Kabbala denudata. The original Hebrew text, which was composed in Italy in the 17th century, is lost; parts of it found its way in the Kabbala denudata. Scholem assigned its symbolism to astrological, not kabbalistic, circles.
Cabale divine (BPH Ms M240)
Manuscript on paper, 1785. A work on the Christian Kabbalistic interpretation and the mago-mystical use of each of the Psalms. It is a blend of the Hebrew Kabbalah, Christian Kabbalah of the Renaissance and higher Solomonic magic.